I am not proud of myself for stealing the following without permission. And yet, I am convinced that most people have written off David Icke as a nutjob and would rather touch poop than one of his books. I feel compelled to share a bit of his “conspiratorial” writing.
Call me a dilettante or a bored Boomer: nothing offends me anymore. Over the past several years I have ping-ponged from being a Rosicrucian to a student of Bodhidharma, to reading Helena Blavatsky, the extremely heavy dude Ivan Antic, and now David Icke (yes, he’s the man who wrote that Alien shape-changing Reptiles control the planet and that demons feed on human fear).
The following is a section from Chapter Nine of his latest book THE DREAM. As some of my readers know, astrophysicists and quantum physics agree that 5% of the universe is made up of atoms. You know, neutrons, protons, and electrons. The rest of the universe, 95% of the universe is made of Dark Matter and Dark Energy. Dark Energy, so they say, makes up the vast majority of that and no one has any idea what Dark Energy is. I suggest that it is the unholy, spiritual influence of demons that are using our so-called life experiences, governments, and the media to keep us all jacked up and angry.
Without further ado, I present to you the thought and writing of David Icke.
I have been warning about the role of China since the late 1990’s and the plan to bring East and West into conflict with NATO facing off against an alliance dominated by China and Russia. World War III between these nuclear powers, long highlighted in my books, does not have to be, but it will be if we just leave them to it. The war in Ukraine and the response of NATO and Western governments has led to this very coming together of Russia and China both economically and militarily. Financial ‘sanctions’ against Russia harmed Western economies (on purpose) and pushed Russia into closer alliance with China (on purpose). China heads the BRICS group of countries consisting of Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa - hence BRICS. These countries represent 26.7 percent of the land surface of Planet Earth and 41.5 percent of the global population. Another consequence of American and Chinese actions is the erosion of the dollar as the world’s reserve currency for international trade. The United States would be in desperate financial trouble if the dollar was displaced from that role. It’s coming and, more than that, it’s happening. Russia agreed in March 2023 to supply much of China’s oil and natural gas, and to use the Chinese yuan currency for trade with increasingly China-dominated Asia, Africa, and South America. Brazil soon followed the trend of using the yuan and not the dollar. China apparently completed its first yuan trade of liquified natural gas with France in the same month and Cult-owned French president Emmanuel Macron said after meeting Chinese leader Xi Jinping that Europe should reduce dependence on the dollar and limit its reliance on the United States.
At the same time, the West, especially the United States and Britain, has been pouring money and military hardware into Ukraine. West and East are at war via Ukraine in line with the plan all along. This was naturally denied. The West was just ‘protecting democracy’ in fascist Ukraine and was not at war with Russia. It was an obvious lie, and this was confirmed by leaked military documents. Jack Teixeira, a 21-year-old IT specialist with the Massachusetts Air National Guard, was arrested for the leak and attacked by the mainstream media for exposing the truth when their job is to suppress it for the Cult that owns them. The New York Times and Jeff Bezos-owned Washington Post even tracked down the leaker for the Deep State.
It goes on and on, of course. The book talks about how “global warming” became “human caused climate change”, how and why trans-sexualism is being promoted, how are language is being distorted and that our understanding of chem trails, stolen elections, and mass psychosis is being twisted and warped in the expectation that all thought will be replaced with ‘NewSpeak’.
The time will come when Substack.com will be attacked - along with you and me.
The Fourth Turning is upon us and not everybody can see it.
Everything that doesn’t fit the left leaning narrative is a “conspiracy theory”…..until it isn’t. Who’s to say the lizard hypothesis is any less credible than what we now know to be true about climate, the deep state, 9-11, multiple assassinations and ‘suicides’, the war narratives, and of course everything the covid cult has spouted.
Even if he’s off base with the lizard idea, David Icke is still on point with most of what he thinks.
I ordered the book The Dream.