ZZ Topish chin monsters seem to have caught on everywhere. Certainly in Middle Tennessee. Robert Malone and some renegade psychiatrists have richly described the mass psychosis we are experiencing. It reminds me most of not only what the 3rd Reich must have been like but the Salem Witch Trials. Yes, and the songs of Bob Dylan have become even more relevant and timely.

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Such a concise and succinct commentary.

Very beautifully put my friend! I loved this piece. Yes, the US got the Pax Americana that JFK despised and warned about. It crashed into the Twin Towers with a fully explosive 'New Pearl Harbor', just as prophesied  by PNAC, ie, the Dick Cheney Gang. The National Security State reached full bloom, presenting the Earth with bloody doom.

Your words are brain candy Chuck.


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Damn straight! What he said.

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