“To everything there is a season . . . “ so saith the Lord.

Yo, I’m just happy as heck to have lived in America during the greatest, most prosperous and hopeful decades in human history. It has been an incredible era. Lucky me, that I will not live to see the inevitable disintegration of America. It’s been a trip; and the world will never see anything like it again.

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Those who support cretins like Biden and pals are visibly different sorts of human animals than those who don’t. This is even being noticed reportedly by not so bright CEO’s and such. Really bright ones knew what was up before 2000.

Those capable of supporting the actual ideas of our founding ancestors have also been visible. Find and support only those who are actually capable of understanding these. Support a Revolutionary republic, run by a healthy robust constitutional democracy. All else is ruin.

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It is a profound tragedy. Almost as if we descendants of the Danes were destined to repeat the history of the Northmen. Trying to write about the constitution of the US in the 1700s versus 2022.

Wonder if "Washington, Jefferson, Adams, Franklin, Hamilton" could have imagined the current circumstances?

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