A must share

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More blood, please.

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I have discovered that I am more comfortable with writing comedy than violence. I'll do my best to bloody it up in the future. But I draw the line at describing violence against dogs.

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Me too. Stick to humans.

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Maybe this is a better place to dialogue and share perceptions the technology is difficult for someone who can't follow directions written for ten year olds. My mind at 75 is sharper than it was at 74 or 50. My body is a whole other story. I am willing to learn from everybody. My father taught me all religion is nonsense. ESPECIALLY YOUR OWN.

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It must be sad to reach the age of 75 and realize your father lied to you.

c’est la vie

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When I was 8 years old I would spend hours watching the preying mantes in the field behind our house. I guess in Montreal they were Northern. I found the females first meal after copulation rather metaphysical. Would that be a good place to begin our discussion?

Praying or preying? They are predators. I know by definition everyone is autistic the question is when does it become a disorder. Autisme Quebec says one in 66 is disordered. That sir is a discussion worth having. It does however require Socratic dialogue. All question leading to more and more questions.

There were brown ones and green ones and the brown one hung out in brown places and the green ones in green places but they did not discriminate to copulate which had serious consequences for the male. In Yiddish we say a stiff prick has no brains.

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Life is always in a state of chaotic imbalance. At its most extreme, it requires air, water, and bugs.

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I've watched this video everyday for two months. It makes me smile.


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I never had that problem . How do you feel? My father was a Deist and didn't believe in fairytales.;. He died at 93 still fluent in 8 or 9 languages and smiling and surrounded by love. I was there holding his hand.

My father never needed to lie. The truth was painful enough. He grew up in Poland before the Holocaust.

What do you believe to be the truth? Do you believe in the Trinity? How do you interpret the Gospels.? Do you believe in an eternity?

Anyhow if you comment on Bill's sight thank him for allowing me to visit.

What do you think of the schism between America's conservative Catholic clergy and a liberal Vatican? The Catholic Church is pretty wide spectrum religion. My father says Loyola was family and my paternal family's language was a very different sounding Yiddish. It didn't sound central European it made me genetically Spanish and Portuguese. I didn't learn Yiddish because my parents only spoke English to each other. That was their common language.

Are Jesuits really Catholic?

I am comfortable with my beliefs my father told me when you start believing you know something about the universe it is time to examine why you need to believe.

My father finished his high school in Poland in Polish not Hebrew and Yiddish. He never was a believer but in his 80s he could lead services and argue theology with his rabbi.

Can we start with metaphysics. What is reality for you?

Shall we begin with metamorphosis.

My 75 years has been a mystical journey. My guru made me promise to start writing so I could tell my story. He was a Buddhist monk who wore a business suit and a PhD in education and wrote stories about his practice of mystic traditions. I am not a scholastic I am a metaphysician.

Should I go elsewhere to hear stories or are you strong enough to handle you own truth?

It was you who asked for metaphysics.

I know what I believe and I know less than I knew yesterday is the code of mysticism.

I wear a Dunce cap. Duns Scotus asked all the right questions.

I belong to the Thomas More Institute of Montreal. It is a liberal academy dedicated to life long learning.


The Thomas More Society

Is Dedicated to lifelong and eternity of faith over reason


Same Thomas More dueling metaphysics . What kind of Catholic are you

What does your Jesus demand of you? Empty words and promises or a search for real truth?

I don't play games I just watch people lie to themselves rather than look in the mirror.

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I can only handle one thought at a time.

"My father was a Deist and didn't believe in fairytales.;. He died at 93 still fluent in 8 or 9 languages and smiling and surrounded by love. I was there holding his hand. My father never needed to lie. The truth was painful enough. He grew up in Poland before the Holocaust. What do you believe to be the truth? Do you believe in the Trinity? How do you interpret the Gospels.? Do you believe in an eternity?"

I never heard of Deism until late in the 20th Century. My family has a Free Methodist/Mennonite history and only the last 70 years ago has splintered that tradition. I don't think of it as either bad or good. It exists. Unlike the Greek creation called the Trinity. A friend suggested there exists a Satanic Trinity (the Big Guy, Hunter, and the late Beau). How do I interpret the gospels? I enjoy Thomas Jefferson's THE LIFE AND MORALS OF JESUS OF NAZARETH the best. Much of the "accepted" gospel (e.g. John 14:6) seem to be obvious add-on's the by Saulist Jesus Cult. We'll talk later, Moe..

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Oh. I really must add (before I wander away and fail to return) that I am a fan of Ivan Antic and his thought that reality = consciousness blows me away. I see these white strings like cotton running throughout everything. I'd seek help but I'm having too much fun.

Reality, as I see it today, is what my soul tells me it is going through at this moment.

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I was born in a meditative state. Meditation only asks the right questions the answer lies only in the mirror. It is hard to not want to lie to the mirror the mirror only reflects our reality.

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The More we know the less we understand. It is the opposite of Sisyphus and his rock we have to run faster and faster to catch up with the rock but we fall further and further behind. The trinity is sacred to me because I can't count passed one.

I know for whom the Bell Tolls. I too am a metaphysician.

Not all metaphysicians are tragic figures. Diogenes lived to a ripe old age laughing and joking and pretending he was a dog.

Every man has his own religion that he must not show to the world.

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Shall we talk Hildegarde von Bingen. She was a mystic but was she really a Catholic or was she possessed of Satan? Her music is sublime.

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I just picked up Mme Blavatski's enormous book - but the print is small and it must be 1,000 pages long. I am 75 & may have a heart condition. Would you recommend I start it?

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I am totally unfamiliar with the book and sometimes I need more than Wikipedia to pass judgement. My grandson did attend Waldorf but nobody read Steiner.

Help me understand. Are you a spiritualist or an objectivist? I do not understand American antipolitics.

Today out of nowhere appeared The Second Scroll A.M. Klein New Canadian Library 1951. We have quite the library and A.M. Klein appears only as a poet. Here was a novel written before he went mad.

Today's miracle I will never be able to explain.

If you can find a copy we can study it together Klein was a metaphysical poet

From The Three Judgements

Is better than to have chosen the subtlest of lawyers.

The pious plead before a court the lawyer cannot enter.

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