What this all shows is that the Democrat Party is truly in disarray and that there was a civil war going on, between those who wanted to keep to the path and those who wanted to find someone else (it's really about what is the best method to fool the peasants, not who is the better person to run the country, because if it was that, they would have held an open primary).

I don't know that making Biden exit stage left will solve that. In fact, I have a feeling it will exacerbate the situation.

And congratulations on being proven right. I obviously didn't know which way it would go. I could see either Biden staying or Biden going because both are equally untenable.

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At Trump's next rally (people started lining up to see him at the Van Andel Arena in Grand Rapids the night before his appearance and hundreds stood outside, blocks away from the venue; to hear him speak over loudspeakers placed through the Furniture City), I'd love to hear him nominate Liz Cheney as his Democrat competition.

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Carlton 2024!

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Jul 22·edited Jul 22Author

USA~ USA! The donkeys and elephants have destroyed the Republic. We need a Pig Party. During the 1968 Dem convention in the Windy City, the Yippees nominated a pig named Pigasus as their choice of nominee. I expect nothing less from gen Z in 2024 as Carlton's popularity is growing exponentially.

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This: it's really about what is the best method to fool the peasants. Right on. . .

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Jul 24Liked by Charles Clemens

The world's mighty superpower in disarray. "Pride comes before a fall, and a haughty spirit before destruction," as it says in the Bible somewhere.

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That is one big fable!!!! I mean there could be no living person in the white house (oh wait. . . hmmm) and the Media would still present like there was a living being doing something relevant. They could make their listeners believe that a dog was running the country. No shame for the Mockingbird Media.

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While I've only watched Biden speak in hopes of watching him fumble, collapse, or find himself lost, I have to admit that he read a good speech the other night. More frightening than that, Kamala was on television and did not appear to be a complete idiot. Operation Mockingbird must be hiring some top-notch ad writers and PR flacks to promote the CIA's next mouthpiece.

I think that if people like me can be wobbled by two good performances, Trump should arrange for his debate with Harris as soon as the DNC Chicago street fight is over.

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Operation Mockingbird must be hiring some good actors. I noticed that too, and wonder if that was even Biden. All stops out to rebrand KH - Soros infused dinero…. and who knows what else. Really pathetic and scary.

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Tonight, on CBS News, a "reporter" said that Kamala was never appointed as "Border Czar". I suspect that by October all references to that failed assignment will be removed from the Internet.

FOX News is even praising the cackling fool like a goddess.

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PS Charles, this is nauseating, despite being predicted. Let’s hope this story doesn’t end well for her, and more people see the mockery media for what they are.

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Oh wow, how fast these demons work. Yes, the whitewashing has begun for the black, I mean asian, I mean woman of color. yes, it’s working. They will deify her. Where is Tulsi when we need her?????

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Idolatry in all of its forms is an offense to the One God that created the Universe and who is constantly creating.

Nevertheless, I have made a shrine to Tulsi and it includes a full-sized statue made of baked clay.

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