Sad that we all come back to strengthening the bond , and not reasoning to shatter it.

Where we see divides, they see another team to own.

After they are bought, controlled thru lobby/greed; what is the next step...

I have a much better solution; one that would not matter if you had many; they all tune into one...

How about a fucking guarantee, a fucking electoral system that counts all the patriots in the room , not just the ones thinking they have a chance thru a party, after...

They control us by the loop they have us in; we keep holding on to the thought that it is the prison warden who we vote in, and not how they are voted in.

A new world of reason: if you want to count the majority, we all have to have a say/vote...freely...

We already have a third party.

It is called the people, maybe we should form an electoral system, that counts all votes, for or against; you know the one they call a scr4atch and throw in the garbage, so we are forced to follow, and pray for the best.


Something brand new, might just work if we actually had a vote against them. It controls all parties.

Please see what I have begun; any feedback good or bad is cherished; but this is the conversation that we all need to have; we are being blindsided by loving the prison guards, to the point of wanting another.

This is the bet, this is the only win; right now we can not say no to being rapped...but if we wait four years...we get to wait another four years...to scream...


I apologize if the f boom offends; it is for impact to wake people to the foolery playing us, we have been held in a loop so long, we begin to conform as we fight against it.

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If politics in the USA follows it present course, Biden will declare martial law before November (just as his fellow criminal Zelensky did to prevent the scheduled election in Ukraine) and we will not have to think about voting. There will be additions to the Patriot Act that will further reduce our freedom in the Surveillance State. Now that the Supreme Court has determined that the POTUS can commit any crime and call it a political act, our nation will continue to deteriorate until it is disposed of by the BRICS.

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Why are all these minds unaware they are only standing on one side of the fence, discussing both sides as if that is how their minds are set; that is brainwashing at its best. There are two sides. Here is an example of one side; I make a lie up, and you have to defend the lie. That changes the laws to now protect against involvement, not because they wanted to lose the argument, but they wanted the law changed, as they knew it would be...by defending against the lie...and all the viewers believe they see what they see

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I am a contrarian and a curmudgeon. I don't believe anything that my lying eyes show me.

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you define what you do not believe??? So you must see something. Ok use the traits of your contrarian and play the devils advocate for a moment; could the thumpers, unwittingly themselves, based on religion, not be aware that the living entity that gave us birth...can communicate??? If so could that be instinct; the flow of energy (thumpers define as the holy spirit of God), and the sensitivities of the mind; no voice, you just know. And that the people who are connected are trapped within opinion and its vain expression, not able to see the reality of Gods own existence they would refer to as a dream. Why did i just say that??? The mind embosses itself over everything. so everything becomes like a human, with human reasoning and traits, and that is how we define everything by comparing to ourselves, as if we are the topic on that we speak; aka self righteousness/religion. God is defined by thought; yet it is just itself; we embellish and others see it as a fault and walk away from it all, feeling denial is smarter, instead of incite. Should we believe everything that people say about you??? If we deny what they say; do you disappear and were never here???

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Your metaphysical statement leaves me bewildered. First of all, I don't know what a "thumper" is. Secondly, per the writings of the Serbian monk Ivan Antic, I believe that consciousness = reality. Also, per Rosicrucian doctrine, every thought comes from God and our minds collect those thoughts and spew them out like feedback.

There is a grain of truth in whatever anyone says about me. If I denied what they say, I might disappear.

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there you go, you never absorbed anything; the problem with vanity we all have, when our minds decide we are correct, no more reflection is required. Thumpers??? U have never heard the term bible thumpers??? And the conscious is within reality, the rest is the interference of imagination that is a character spawn by vanity, as vanity spawns from covering up our fear. But you appear to have glossed over the words. Both yourself and the Earth exist; the earth being the real god; it appears by how some reason, if we deny what is said about either of you; the denial means you disappear and are not real; that does work with a conscious reality...

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You're not throwing your vote away. I have over my week of reflection and watching the mess unfold decided that we aren't going to change anything until we destroy the two party system. Voting third party is a way to start to do that.

I love the media right now, though. The problem isn't that Joe Biden is a dementia addled old coot who has access to the nuclear codes. The problem is that he can't win. And the other Democrats are angry at the Biden family for not telling them what they already knew and were trying to hide. It's a reality no one would believe if you put it in a book.

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If Joe Biden was on welfare, he'd have been put in an Adult Foster Care home (or even a nursing home) and Jill would be convicted of Elder Abuse.

The two party system is strongly supported by those who control the Internet. A search for RFK jr's policies leads to nothing that happened after 2023.

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Everyone every year, throws away the vote...everyone...see above as below...)))

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Hi Charles, real question was if you saw my post above yours...then i got poetic and probably confused you; my apologize.

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A vote for an independent candidate I

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Isn’t wasted if its message is received by the major parties

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Vote for a ghost of dreams past...see above for the only solution.

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