Jul 5, 2023Liked by Charles Clemens

I can understand why some writers (like R.Malone) would allow everyone to read, but not comment, because some writes seem to attract a lot of trolls. It helps keep the comment section elevated. But I agree if it’s only to attract more paying subscribers, it doesn’t seem like a good business model.

I definitely agree there are a lot of writes just churning out echo chamber content, adding a lot of links and not adding much original thought.

I only subscribe (paid) to two Substacks, Igor Chudov and Brad (Euphoric Recall) , both for their excellent content and they seem like good people. Curious who your top picks are for subscriptions. Wish I could afford to subscribe to more as well, just to help support great writers trying to get heard on alt media.

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I am a paid subscriber to Rolo Slavkiy's SLAVLAND CHRONICLES and to SIMULATION COMMANDER. In four months, I believe I'll be in a position to get a 3rd paid subscription. It might be Euphoric Recall. It might be any one of three others that I enjoy.


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There are at least a dozen excellent Substack writers that I admire. MONEY CIRCUS is probably my favorite (and the most expensive). When I add a 3rd paid subscription to my list it will probably be either Brad's Substack or AND SO IT GOES or THE GOOD CITIZEN.

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There will be no paywall for scott m. As I have said, no one in hisorher right mind would pay to read my stuff.

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I have noticed the same. Personally, I am contemplating a special technical section where only those items are to be behind the paywall. I plan to keep all other posts free and open to comments.

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Lingering Sanity remains in the spirit of DADA and does not require frilthy lucre glasses.

"If I cry out: Ideal, ideal, ideal / Knowledge, knowledge, knowledge, / Boomboom, boomboom, boomboom, I have given a pretty faithful version of progress, law, morality, and all other fine qualities that various highly intelligent people have discussed in so many books, only to conclude that after all everyone dances to their own personal boomboom, and that the writer is entitled to his boomboom."

—Tristan Tzara, “Manifeste Dada,” 1918

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BOOKS, n. : almost always the product of the self-absorbed, Books are second only to newspapers in the on-going deforestation of Mother Earth; Touted by Conspicuous Consumers whose self esteem has a direct correlation to the sagging of their bookshelves, most books are best used as ballast for trash bags.


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When Significant Social Justice finally, triumphantly uses political power, libraries will fund digital hunting teams to prioritize pixels over precious paper. Paper reflecting colonials ideology about importance woke folk have no need for any longer. This will not be digitized. Nor advertised as part of the holdings. Nor circulate outside of special viewing sessions arranged months in advance. Soon, let me assure you , 2024 at latest, no one will be permitted personal boomboom or a personal boombox!

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I have had the same feelings. Free speech means exactly that, 'you are censoring those who don't pay' Is the only thing I can add to this well written article.

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Amen 💵

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