A young black bear has been wrecking my bird feeder lately. Last week it got into a metal can holding a bag of sunflower seeds. The bag and the pitcher I used to fill the feeder are gone for good, as is one of the bird feeders. The wildlife people advised me to let nature take its course. They won’t come and trap the bear. Nature? Is a human being with a shotgun natural? Nah, hey, I wouldn’t hurt the bear; but I wish it would go away. Not only that, but a raccoon has figured out how to grab a hummingbird feeder and quaff the sweet water. (I solved that problem today, and the coon will now need much longer limbs to get to the feeder.

FISHERMAN, n. : a man who prides himself on being smarter than a fish — DDR

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There is a truth among the animals. Wonder how many human animals are capable of seeing it for what it is?

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There are no shortages, inflation is not Biden's fault, and California is doing a great job with its conservation programs.

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Aug 13, 2022Liked by Charles Clemens

I live out here. I feed and put out water. Fuck anyone that says I should not, they are starving and it's my problem, too. Ours. They can't go shopping, the supply chain they use we fucked all up. "Some must go so what's left can support the remainder"...takes too long. Do what you can and keep your mouth shut about it so you don't get any heat.

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The thing about bears is they are omnivores just like us. But I remember those days when bears assaulted Yosemite and tore open cars like candy bars. Until the humans managed to learn that you don’t feed bears unless you want to share your tent and possibly your lives with them. Bears, like all animals, come bearing truth if we know how to listen. Hear better my Lears.

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