I live a good and comfortable life too in most respects. That has not always been true as my younger years were lived in poverty and often at the very edge of poverty. What I see happening disturbs me because I know that those most affected have much less than I. It worries me what kind of life my children and Grandchildren will grow up in.

That being said, I am not miserable, just aware because I know our future is in God's hands. We can control how we feel and what we believe, along with how much empathy we have for others. If I get too comfortable, I may forget where I came from. These are only my personal perspectives, not meant to be used to measure others.

Good day Charles, your posts are always thought provoking.

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Like you, I lived on the edge of bankruptcy most of my life. I hope I'll never have to eat Hamburger gravy again. As a retiree with a paid-off home and car, I'm feeling secure; but once the rail strike begins and the war between the Kurds and Turks take off, I am uneasy.

Praise the LORD and pass the ammunition.

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I’m a Canadian. I’ve been a big big supporter of the US. But for what it’s worth the LEADERSHIP of the US is demonic.

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The US founding documents are the most important secular documents ever written. Without them being adhered to the world is lost. Those documents are the bulwark against totalitarianism.

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Mmm... the most important written words were in summary, love God, and love your neighbour as your self. A triangle or circle of love. God wants love as any sane person wants.

And one has to look after oneself, one's health and one's neigbours to make sure God is loved as we live and move and have our being in God. Even God lives and moves and has His being in Himself, that is why He is God.

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I don’t disagree. But those aren’t secular words. The US founding docs are secular.

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True, but you did say "Without them being adhered to the world is lost."

I say the world is not lost if they are not adhered to, provided the world wakes up to its responsibilities to love.

The founding documents are no doubt sacred to very many if not most of the USA citizens. But they are various rights rather than responsibilities on my limited reading of them. Very useful, but not essential as the law of love is a royal law, a real law (real means 'royal' in Spanish).

It is the highest law and if the world followed it then all the Covid 19 nonsense would not have been necessary.

Perhaps you have not observed all the petty fogging so-called rules and regulations over Covid 19 a.k.a. the 'flu and realised, as I have, that as it is written, the love of many grew cold.

Over what might be described as 'a stinking cold', a type of 'flu!

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In fact, most translations of Matthew 24:12 say "the love of MOST will grow cold". I must admit that I look forward to reading negative things about Fauci, the Bidens, the Obamas, and others.

Friedrich Nietzsche warned us: “He who fights with monsters should be careful lest he thereby become a monster. And if thou gaze long into an abyss, the abyss will also gaze into thee.”

We must be very careful not to become like THEM. The law of attraction is important. If we live love, we draw good things to ourselves.

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Interesting. I have checked the original Greek. 'gayest ipse' is an anagram of the word translated 'grow cold', psygēsetai. There is only one occurrence of this word in NT according to biblehub. I haven't the time to analyse in more detail but there are very interesting things hidden in the anagrams.

The word translated 'most' is pollon from which metro-polis comes I assume. Again according to biblehub this should be translated 'much, many, often' so most is misleading, although the point is a fine one.

All this suggests the current issues with the cities, the metropolises and so-called 'gay culture' which is seeking to destroy the fabric of society.

But that is Satan for you, who is LGBTQ+ etc and mad as a box of frogs.

As regards Fauci, Bidens etc. I just laugh now. The humour in all that is going on seems bizarre given all the pain and suffering (and I have had my share including the facial palsy and side effects I must endure for a time).

The whole thing is a pantomime, so I join in and ridicule the ridiculous. I have done this if you are interested. It amuses me anyway.


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Okay. There is one last defense beyond the Founding Docs. Yes.

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Nov 25, 2022Liked by Charles Clemens

We, even the whole we, don't count for shit, and it ain't my fault either.

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:) The sun rising in the east and setting in the west is the very definition of those words. (Substitute stars if for some spinning body lacking a sun.)

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The way you hear it out in the street, god gave us free will. I believe that free will gave man god, God the Concept. I am still holding out for the proof that god ever did anything. I do have enough to enjoy most of my own blessed continuing biological event, and mightily so, I do feel free and I let myself dig the shit out of it all. I do still buy lottery tickets though, so I must want something, I guess.

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As it happens, I am currently reading IN TUNE WITH THE INFINITE MIND by Anthony Talmage. He writes about the same things as Michio Kaku, but he uses words and concepts I understand.

As I read Talmage's description of Universal Mind and how it wraps the universe and time with His wisdom and love, I felt enlightened.

We have Free Will to do whatever we are preordained to do.

PEACE & good luck with the lotto.

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Good post, thank you.

Re prescriptions. All taxpayers may be paying to subsidize pharmaceuticals giving big p-harm-a a guaranteed income. If prescription cheaper people can have more and big pharma will rub its hands in glee as the tills ring.

The fact that most big pharma drugs are neuro-toxic and cause more harm than good is a mere trifle of course.


Re USA and Ukraine I am from the UK and it rains a lot. I think sometimes my government has got confused as it is giving arms to the Ukraine.


As regards the USA being evil, well the country gave Satan some space and because if you give him and inch he will take a mile, then the whole country this is now a problem.

As a consequence the heavenly Father is 'slightly annoyed' (English understatement) and is having to sort matters out with all His angels high and low.

He has a time frame however and whilst seemly bizarre, is observably the truth.


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deletedNov 26, 2022Liked by Charles Clemens
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It seems like mankind has built a giant kaleidoscope the size of the Tower of Babel and then God shoved us all inside of it and started the thing spinning.

I want to get off.

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