"I contacted the Grandmaster and learned that no questions and no debate were allowed."

Well, that is not very Rosicrucian of them is it? Were we not told that a Rosicrucian was a walking question mark? That's probably what stuck with me the most, and why I continue to seek and develop new questions. I am sure many will agree that over the last few years many new questions deserve to be asked.

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Questions are far more valuable than answers. That takes close to a lifetime to learn.

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I took a similar journey, although never wanted to be a Taoist. I wound up embracing Deism as the best explanation for the universe. Deism posits that there is a God. He created the universe and its rules, otherwise known as physics, chemistry, biology, mathematics, etc. Then he sat back and enjoyed the show.

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I wish we were neighbors, Bill. I've got almost nobody to talk to, here, and you and I seem to be on the same wavelength.

I find myself as a pantheist, believing in an impersonal creator-god, the Universal Intelligence. I've often fancied being a Buddhist, as the 4 Basic Truths and the "middle path" appeal to me. But once, you get past that, there seem to be an awful lot of rules.

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Every monotheist agrees there is only one God. Thus, we all must be worshiping the same God - Jews, Christians, Zoroastrians, Sikhs, etc. I'm in far East Nashville, Hermitage, 571-235-2544 cell.

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I've added you to my phone's "contact" list & I'll give you a call today if the Vols beat the Crimson Tide. Of course, that is doubtful, since three of the Knoxville players (including the defensive captain) have been thrown in jail within the past two weeks. A group has suggested that Dolly Parton be named Honorary Captain since so many of these violent savages cannot control themselves and Josh Heupel may have trouble assembling an entire team before the end of the season.

I'm in Sevierville at 865-936-7356.

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I went a little past that, but had to back up the truck. The Four Noble Truths and the Eightfold Path are enough.

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I agree with much of that, except instead of sitting back, I think the Universe writes, directs, acts and watches the show through you, me, the rocks and the trees. It is a never ending story.

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I enjoyed reading about your spiritual journey.

Personally, I am such a disagreeable type that I don't join groups in any deep fashion.

I have a few friends, but no clubs.

Religion seems to get itself institutionalised whereas it needn't. One can have one's own personal religion, and I hope that is what I have.

I guess that I should do some work actually writing down my spiritual beliefs, but I probably won't. The daily grind intrudes.

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Bless you, my child.

“Ask and ye shall receive, maybe. It depends.”

-- anonymous

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I'm a Daoist Xtian who enjoys a sci-fi End Times view of things when trying to ponder the evil things human leaders reliably aim for, since anything less crazy just won't do the trick, who is very Deist in his personal TOE but hardly expects God to have things all under control any more than I or anyone has control of their psyche.

I like to think that the sky smiles at me when I smile at it, that rocks have feelings, and that the only thing as good as loving intimate sex with a partner of a lifetime is to be in a church dark except for a few candles, and sing with passion, humility, and gusto.


P.S. https://youtu.be/DF7d-HdjBvE

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Because I never believed in miracles, Thomas Jefferson's LIFE AND MORALS OF JESUS OF NAZARETH has always been my favorite version of the Gospels.

However, after watching the Volunteers beat the Crimson Tide, I now believe in miracles and my entire view of reality has been altered.

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If you're not familiar with Mark Stavish, you might enjoy him https://voxhermes.wordpress.com/2023/01/05/astrology-in-the-western-esoteric-traditions/

Great interview with him about egregores, the second one he goes into AMORC (lots of inside baseball)



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While I hate podcasts, the second one you posted caught my attention. I quit AMORC because of its dogmatism. If I was unwilling to believe that EVERY HUMAN was on the path to enlightenment, I was not acceptable. No questions were allowed and no consideration of the existence of vile and evil people was possible. Thanks for posting.

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Jan 8, 2023Liked by Charles Clemens

Every human is on the path to enlightenment. It's just most seem to choose taking a metric fuck-ton of (frequently hilarious) dead-end turns on the way.

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We can't ignore the theory that demons sometimes possess humans (Luke 4:33-35) or that Reptilian shape-changers sometimes fool people.

Seriously, it is hard to imagine that Hitler, Stalin, Mao, and Fauci are anything besides completely corrupt monsters who have no desire to seek anything besides power.

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Jan 8, 2023Liked by Charles Clemens

Here's the crazy thing: That happens. But, what you state is also true.

Reality is more frequently this AND that instead of this OR that.

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I put my cat in a sealed box with poison two hours ago. Lucky he has nine lives.

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Wow! That must have taken hours to compile. I love Cowboy Copas.

Thanks for posting.

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Thanks for taking the time to read my essay and to comment; but the link you provided shows me how to make a Greek Pizza. Was that your intention?

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Ah. Now I see/

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